Wednesday 15 September 2010

Marxism And Reality Tv [15/09/2010]

Marxists thinkers are highly likely to see reality Tv in a completely different light to those who watch it thoughtlessly and take it as an everyday part of television and their life.
One aspect that marxists thinkers may see within reality Tv is the way in which a the majority of reality Tv programmes belong to a very small number of institutions, Syco and Endemol to name a couple. Most marxists may see this small number of corporations as being the head of of the pyramid of power in the same way that they see the bourgeoisie in their view of society, with the contestants of their programmes being the working class; the people who put in the time effort and energy to keep society going, or in the case of reality Tv, to keep the company making money. In essence those who benefit the most from the work of contestant are those at the top, and without these people the company would fall apart as their would be nothing to show to their audiences. Some would argue against the idea of contestants having nothing to gain out of reality, as they assume fame and fortune consistently follows after someone who appears on a reality tv show, however it is often clear to see this is not the case. Only a small minority of those who participate in a reality Tv show are remembered in the public and rise to any fame what so ever, and marxist would say that those who do amount to any sort of fame do purely because the industry allows them to, in order to keep the belief that their is some sort of benefit to gain out participating in a reality show, and more essentially, keeping people thinking that the way in which Tv works is fair.

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