Monday 20 September 2010

Critical Investigation: Research So Far [20/09/10]

So far i have looked at how the music industry in general has evolved since the 1920's, mainly with how the introduction of music videos has changed the way in which the industry works.
I also chose to look at when and how music videos began to involve violent themes within them, and the ways in which the amount of violence in these videos have grown or decreased over the years. With this i managed to find an article on how the acceptance of these types of videos have changed throughout the years, and also some argues on whether or not they influence people to go out and engage in violent behaviour. Additionally i looked at some music videos myself to see if their were common links between them, finding that most videos seem to glamourise violence with money cars and girls.

In the coming weeks i hope to be able to research the production of music videos in order to have a better insight into how they are made, helping me with both my critical investigation and also the linked production i have planned. I would also like to find out what influences artists to come with this type of music, and also if in most cases it is the directors choice or the artists' choice to have the violence in the videos. In addition to this i plan to talk to young artists involved with music in order to gain their verdict on these types of videos and whether or not it increases the chances of them planning to make similar videos. I'd also like to talk to young people not involved in the music industry about whether or not they feel the violence involved in music videos has influenced them to act in a certain way.

I've looked at 2 A2 books so far, one being 'A2 media studies' and the other 'Studying the media. 3rd Edition.' Youtube has been the provider for the music videos i have looked at so far.
I think the most difficult part of my research to come will be finding out what influences certain artists to have music videos done in the way they are and also finding out who makes the decisions about how the music video will be done.

Essay Title:
An investigation into if and how violence portrayed in music videos have an effect on young
peoples behaviour.

My linked production will be a music video directed by myself with a backing track either made by me or my cousin. This video will have a violent nature to it but will also have snippets of interviews i do with people on their view of these types of videos. Subtitles will be in the place of audio for these interviews in order to allow the music for the video to play uninterrupted. <<< This may not work out as i plan!


  1. www. good ideas used in research and you have a clear idea what you are aiming for. also good use of related texts such as using books and the internet as sources. and also the use of an essay title.

    ebi. do more research into violence shown in videos and post this on the blog also reference as much as possible.

  2. www you seem to have a clear vision of the direction you are going which is excellent. I like the post modern form of your proposed Linked production, ironic and potentially ground breaking. Idea for interviews is good but will require some leg work, contact making and planning an interview - which clearly you want to then use in your LP.

    ebi please include the references in this to the text you have already accessed - I see no bibliography as yet. Be really specific about what you discover and write it up. ie read something, reflect on it, write it in a post, view something, note lyrics/images etc - analyse and comment on blog
    Interviews: planning questions, assembling view materials, all need to be prepared.


  3. Some very good points, you have researched a variety of different platforms which is good as it will broaden your research.
    However maybe start a bibliography.

  4. You've got a very good start and you have done a lot of research, you made it clear, you've definitely made it clear on your liked production what you are going to do Well done!! and you have related it to book, internet basically different platforms.
