Monday 21 June 2010

Elephant - Representation Of Teens [Homework Due 22nd June 2010]

Elephant - Representation Of Teenagers.

Social Context.
This text was produced in America in 2003, shortly after the Columbine high school shooting. This is reflected as the text is within an actual high school with typical teenagers going about their daily lives, in and out of school. We are presented with a undramatised setting of an american highschool. Most things are as we see in england.

Historical Context.
This was produced 4 Years after the Columbine high school massacre(1999) in which 12 students and 1 teacher was murdered. The actual film begins a few days before the shooting is carried out.

Economic Context.
There is no obvious economical differences between the characters. It seems that all are middle classed teenagers. This is typical of the setting in which this text was produced, as most teens of the same economical stature would have gone to the same high school. The actual film appears to be a low budget film too, as no major special effects were needed and only basic camera angles are used. This reflects the economic status of the film director Gus Van Sant, a small time American film director, elephant of which was 2nd in his 'Death Trilogy' of films

Political Context.
It was debated that the massacre of which this film was based on had com about due to a rise in violent video games such ad Grand Theft Auto, which was accused of encouraging teens to go out and replicate the behaviour which was carried out during gameplay. The irony of this is that the Film itself (Elephant) became the centre of a controversial issue in on which films were blamed for the rise in violence amongst teens as they may have been replicating the behaviour seen in these movies as they did with video games.

1 comment:

  1. www Well done. A great start here, far more detail displayed which comes from research.

    ebi You have touched on some important areas especially: the differences between social environments in UK and US, economics of film making and critical debates. There is some associated terminology to be learnt here. Independent Film Production, the 'effects debate' with regard to video games, moral panic over gun laws. Your next stage of development could be to explore these areas.
