Monday, 13 December 2010
Monday, 6 December 2010
C.I. Research [Life imitates art OR Art imitates life][6/12/10]
Wednesday, 1 December 2010

Monday, 15 November 2010
Representation: Black Hollywood - Precious[15/11/10]
Sunday, 14 November 2010
Critical Investigation[Intro]
There is often a debate given as to whether or not the violence which is commonly depicted within many music videos, has a negative effect on the audience who watch them, mainly concerning those considered to be youths; ageing between 12 and 24. Whilst I personally have no firm support for either side of the argument much of the research I have discovered has given me a greater knowledge of ways in which these violent videos can have an effect on young people, but also reasons to believe that they have no effect at all and the necessity of violence, music videos sometimes possess. Which side of the arguement is deemed to be true or ‘right’ may never be found out, but exploring this area provides a large mass of knowledge,useful for anyone to know.
Obviously different members of the public will hold varying views on this topic and I have attempted to capture as many as possible. A large capacity of those who I gained my research from felt that the violent natured videos of our time have had an effect on the young people of today. One public member, aged 21, who wishes to remain anonymous stated “When you’ve got artists talking about killing this and that and these other young people look up to them, they feel that it is the way to go” Another member of similar age supported this view, suggesting that music videos containing violence should be restricted to an older audience; “if the younger kids are not watching the videos with violence it must help to cut it down” The younger generation of today seem to have an opposing view to this though. One indie artist from the grime genre aged 13 defended the use of violence within videos, saying “To be honest I think that it aint really made a difference, because everyone knows its just a music video...if you feel to do something you’re going to do it, that’s your decision its not the videos” He also shares the view which is found amongst many areas of London that are considered to be ‘hood’, this being that what’s seen in the videos is the same as what they see everyday within their community, and so its not the videos that influence their behaviour but rather the area in which they live in.
With this being a valid point, it allows us to pose the arguement that a music video does not influence someones behaviour, but rather the other way around; art imitates life, life does not imitate art. The idea that life can imitate art is often deemed ridiculous, as life is needed to create art in the first place, therefore the art can only be an imitation of either the artists life, the life of someone he knows or the imagination which he holds. This though, does not entirely scrap the view that life may be an imitation of art, as it is sometimes considered that the ways in which art may influence a persons lifestyle is the same as the persons life being an imitation of the art, but can these ideas be applied specifically to that of a music video, the video obviously being that ‘art’? In an interview, one 29 year old male, an amatuer music video director, who wished to stay anonymous, said “I grew up in a south east london estate and what i saw on the roads was the closest i ever got to a tv. I didn’t never have one until after i moved out my dads house and i was going round doing everything i see on the t.v. beforehand. Now when I help an artist with their videos, if they’ve gone through a similar struggle i’d gone through, I try to bring both our experiences into it. What you see in videos today is because of how we live, not because of how we want others to live.”
One of the many videos which have been at the centre of these types of debates has been “Born Free” by UK artist M.I.A. The red-headed boy playing the victim of anti-redhead American soldiers in U.K. rapper M.I.A.'s censored video has come to its defence. Although apparently yanked from YouTube by Vivendi's Universal Music Group, M.I.A.'s record label, ostensibly because of its violent content, the nearly 10-minute long video "Born Free" has "gone viral" on the Internet. (The boy is one of several rounded up by the soldiers apparently for the "crime" of being redheaded.) In a posting on and other websites on Wednesday, Ian Hamrick, who appears to be about 10 years old in the video, wrote that M.I.A. "was cool on set and it was a great chance to tell everyone that bully's [sic] suck no matter what country you are from or who you are picking on. Jewish, Black, Asian, Indian, yes even redheads. There are countries killing their own people! Their own relatives and families! Kids that get blown up in old landmines. I am proud to be a part of M.I.A.'s shout out to the world."
It is widely assumed that music videos with violent content are most likely to be a product of the black hip hop industry, however the study of M.I.A.'s 'Born Free' video shows how this violent theme can spread further throughout the music industry. The reason behind the public mostly assuming that violent themed videos are mostly seen within the hip hop culture, and the reason why this statement may very well be true could be partially due to the need for artist to maintain a particular social status within the music industry, to their fans, and possibly to the 'streets.' Artists may purposely ignore the possibility of youths mimicing their behaviours in a video, or may be unaware or just not believe, in the chances of this happening, and so do what they can in order to maintain a particular status with their target audience or fellow artist. Within the Hip Hop and Grime industries, having what may be considered a gangster or 'hood' related background is often a boost in an artists reputation, and as they rise to fame they may be seen to leave this life behind, eventually harming their integrity. In order to gain this back, and also any fans that may have been lost in the process, an artists may resort to making a song and a video to fit how they were once viewed by the public, which is likely to incorporate the violent theme associated with a gangster or 'hood' lifestyle. A recent example of this occurance may be in the case of one Uk Grime artist 'Ghetts' (formerly known as 'Ghetto'). Ghetto served a prison sentence and started his music career after incarseration, within which he ended up in beef with another Uk Grime artist 'Bashy' who took it upon himself to accuse Ghetto of being 'Bummed in the showers' whilst serving his prison sentence. Ghetto did not take to this nicely stating he 'was a bad boy in pent, ask Carlos' obviously fearing his reputation had gone down the drain. Further into his career Ghetts was accused again of being bummed whilst in prison, this time by another Uk Grime artist, 'P. Money'. This was soon followed by two new releases from Ghetts; Trained To Kill[Ft. Dot Rotten], and Artillery. From the title it is obvious to point out the nature of each of these songs, and this is backed up by the supporting videos that soon followed them. Although Ghetts claimed that each title was a metaphor for his music and lyrical ability, the videos suggested something else, particularly that of 'Trained To Kill.' The video used to accompany the audio for this song made no attempt to make a metaphor out of the song title. Within seconds the audience is presented with a blacked out figure pointing a gun towards the camera. A shot appears to be fired and from there on we see the long and painful road to the death of the victim whilst the paramedics' attempts to save him, fail. The video has been made as realistic as possible and there is no attempts to hide the violent nature within it. This video may be viewed in two ways though, in terms of how the target audience may interpret the message put across by the artist. The first interpretation, and the one I see to make the most sense, is that this video is not a celebration, an encouragement of, or a promotion of violence, but rather that it is the complete opposite to this. Within this video the use of the gun, and the after effects of it are not glamourised in any way what so ever, but instead we are presented with the harsh realities of gun violence, and that is that it always leads to death. The use of a young male as the victim in the video may have been a way to ensure this occurs, as it allows those of the target audience to directly relate to those within the video, giving them the reality check that this same thing can occur to them. The second reading of this, and one that I struggle to believe many would agree with, is that the use of a gun by a person who we can't identify, and the fact that this person is never seen being caught or identified within the video, will give the targeted audience the idea that the use of guns is not so bad if it is done in similar conditions; night time whilst wearing blacked out clothing. This may be seen as an extremely subtle promotion of violence, if anything, when directly compared to the video made for the song 'Many Men (Wish Death)' by American rap artist 50Cent. The storyline for this video may be seen as the story behind the violence revolving around 50Cent. From the opening credits the use of violence is involved in the video, with the SFX of gunshots, and this violent nature tends to carry on throughout the music video. The way in which violence is presented to the audience is very different to how it is given in Ghetts' video 'Trained To Kill.' 50Cent's way of showing violence is both direct and indirect; sometimes we see the violence occurring and sometimes we see the before and after, and are left to assume what happens in between. The audience is also given the view of a crime scene investigation team for each shooting that occurs, with them seemingly being unable to solve the murders. As with Ghetts' video, it denotes that killers will not be caught, which is putting the wrong message across to youths. In addition to this the use of violence appears to be rewarded with glamour and money and power, in accordance to the typical Hip Hop/Rap industry views. This portrayal of money and power, in addition to the use of violence may be seen as a way of promoting a violent lifestyle to the target audience, suggesting that with use of violence, the good things will follow after. However it may be considered that the video shows these to happen in reverse order; with money and power, comes the risk of violence too. Another way in which these two videos differ is the time in which they were created, 'Many Men' in 2003, and 'Trained To Kill' in 2010. The differences in the level of violence in each video and the way in which it is used may be representative of the time in which they were created, and the views of Hip Hop/Rap/Grime at those times. It appears that over the course of the last seven years or so, the use of violence has become more limited, not by choice of artists and/or video producers, but by the public and media condemning the violent side to these genres of music. Although they may not be considered HIp Hop/Rap/Grime songs or videos in themselves, M.I.A.'s 'Born Free'[2010] video and Prodigy's 'Smack My Bitch Up'[1997] video are prime examples of how attitudes towards what should and shouldn't been shown to the public through mainstream media. Whilst 'Smack My Bitch Up' has been free to air on Tv since its release, it has been debated as to whether or not it should be allowed to be aired on tv, but has survived all attempts to ban it. M.I.A.'s 'Born Free' however has been banned from the Youtube website and mainstream television too, due to its raw nature and content. It may be assumed that had M.I.A.'s video been produced back in 1997, the year in which 'Smack My Bitch Up' was released, it would have survived any attempts to ban its showing up to this day.
Wednesday, 20 October 2010
Tuesday, 19 October 2010
What's To Come[Research Portfolio]
Video Analysis [Research Portfolio]
Ghetts Ft Dot Rotten - Trained To Kill
Wednesday, 6 October 2010
Critical Investigation - Development
- 'An exploration of the impact violence orientated music videos have had on young people and how controversial issues surrounding them has or has not encouraged the continued production of them?'
- 'How has the representation of violent music videos effected their target audience and how has this changed our generation and the production of music videos today?'
Suggested sources: Watch music videos which have a youth audience to get an idea of how they behave. - Ask young people if music videos influence their lifestyles. - ask parents if music videos have affected their children. - read reviews of music videos.
- Social: Gender, Area, Audience - Behaviours within society
- Historic: How long has this violent themed nature been going on for?
- Economic: How has our surroundings changed, as a community/area/country. Who's in power.
- Political: How has this affected the government - Racial/Gender/Class (In the conservative)
- Is there any stereotype - can we ever avoid these stereotypes. What are the appearance/sound/clothing/voice/behaviour in this type of music video. Is there an issue of racism beneath the surface of it?
Hartman And Husband - Children living in low immigration rely heavily on media for information - in terms of race. - how people represent themselves affects children. creates a label for them?
Patriarchal issues. - Mainly males who take on violent role - repression of women? Feminist bring in male gaze - Women often exploited/used as sexual icons in these types of videos - Violence shows male dominance - dominance over women is reinforced through the violence and also through their feature in the video in what may be classed as derogatory clothing/manner.
Wednesday, 29 September 2010
Research[Research Portfolio]
My focus for my critical investigation has been on teen violence, and their increasing involvement in gun and knife crime. Many films and media stories are seen to promote and influence teen violence through the way they portray it.
Primary sources:
Kidulthood, and its sequel Adulthood: Both of these films show the graphic nature of teen gun and knife violence and make no attempts to cover up the background surrounding this issue.
Secondary sources:
Online news articles: Two youths, aged 14 and 17, were found guilty of murder and three others, aged 17, 14 and 15, were found guilty of manslaughter at the Old Bailey.
None of the defendants or young witnesses can be named because of their ages.
A 16-year-old convicted of murdering a man in London on Christmas Eve 2008 has been jailed for life at the Old Bailey.
Nathan Harris, from west London, set off a "lethal train of events" that led to Craig Brown, 20, being shot dead outside his girlfriend's home.
Mr Brown, who had been out with his son and his girlfriend, Denica Date, was shot five times in Shepherd's Bush as he unloaded Christmas shopping.
Police have named a man shot dead in a street in west London as he returned from a Christmas shopping trip.
Craig Brown, 20, was found by police and London Ambulance Service in Loftus Road, Shepherd's Bush, after being shot at 1650 GMT on Christmas Eve.
The Teenage murder rate on the rise again
By Chris Greenwood, Press Association
Friday, 23 April 2010
death of a 17-year-old boy in Greenwich brings the toll of teenagers murdered in London this year to nine.
Murder squad detectives are probing what caused his fatal injuries at a house in Greenwich after a neighbour reported hearing a shot in the early hours.
All of the above sources may be seen to be set out in order to warn us of the increase of teenage violence on the streets, but could it be suggested that they are actually promoting it to teens too?
Wednesday, 22 September 2010
Research![Research Portfolio]
'Violent' Music Banned In Jamaica
Jamaican officials have slapped a ban on violent hip-hop songs and music by popular local acts such as MR. VEGAS, alleging the tunes glorify rape and murder.
The ban, instituted by the island's broadcast commission on Saturday (21Feb09), specifically forbids songs and music videos featuring daggering, a dance craze that simulates sexual pelvic grinding.
Dancehall star Mr. Vegas popularised the style after releasing a song and video of the same name in June (08).
The new regulations also dictate that all music with lyrics detailing gun violence, murder, rape or arson cannot be aired on TV or radio.
DJs will not even be allowed to play censored versions of the offending songs.
The controversial footage premiered on M.I.A.’s official website on Monday, but the hitmaker revealed shortly after that thanks to bosses at her label UMG, the video is not welcome on the world’s leading video sharing website.
She later retracted the comment after finding it had been YouTube’s decision.
In the “Born Free” vid, military police round up red-headed boys in a series of violent raids and beat them to death. In one particularly disturbing scene, a 10-year-old boy is shot in the head in an effort to force other children to escape the concentration camps.
Reviewers have said the video is a commentary on the genocide of ethnic minorities and profiling and “the trampling of personal liberties, the bullying of the powerless by those with authority,” according to
50 cent my toy soldier. Why was this not banned?
eminem like toy soldiers. Deferring young away from violence? or still an influence t engage in it
Same arguement as eminems toy soldiers?
50 cent heat 2 versions. [Accepts violence as its in a game format? not as graphic but can be sen to have same effects as non animated videos. [known as the street version. not as graphic as animated video but still shows a 'gangster' representation of a well known artist. may influence admirers
Monday, 20 September 2010
Critical Investigation: Research So Far [20/09/10]
Wednesday, 15 September 2010
Marxism And Reality Tv [15/09/2010]
Monday, 13 September 2010
Wednesday, 8 September 2010
Marxism & The Media [8/09/10]
A marxist approach was then put on the media industries, for example the ways in which the music and film industries operate, having a large controlling company at the top of the industry, ultimately deciding what goes on within it in a type of pyramid of control. One big dog and as you go down in levels of control the amount of people in that sector grows.
Companies who wish to keep a high level of control also eliminate opposition that could cause a tilt in power by buying them into the label, and once ownership is gained they can control what type of media is put out by these up and comers, therefore being able to kill off any oppositional thinking that may have been present within their work.
This was finished off with the blue pill red pill clip from the movie "the matrix." We saw that in this movie the director seemed to want to make the audience aware that there are two worlds, one which blinds us into thinking we have control over our lives and the real world, where we are just slaves to a powerful society, putting in our work to keep it going.
This view of society was expressed in a number of covert ways, hidden by the metaphor of ‘the matrix’ itself. Within this scene the matrix is seen to be the world in which Marxists say we believe we live in. Morpheus quotes ‘it is the world which has been pulled over your eyes to blind you from the truth’ referring to the matrix here, showing that the society in which this movie is set is hiding something from its people. Karl Marx, the original Marxists thinker, also believed that the way in which society is built and how it works is done so in a way that maintains the hold of power to be with the rich and keeps the less wealthy feeling as though this is a normal life to lead, hence keeping them hidden from the truth as it is done in the matrix too. Neo can be described as being our conscience, the things which make us think every now and again that this is an unfair world and that capitalism is not something which was made up but rather something that really does repress the lower classes of society. This view can be supported through Morpheus saying to Neo ‘you’ve felt it your entire life...there is something wrong with the world, you don’t know what it is but it’s there.’
Monday, 6 September 2010
My Thoughts
Tuesday, 13 July 2010
Critical Investigation Plan [13/07/10]
My focus for my critical investigation has been on teen violence, and their increasing involvement in gun and knife crime. Many films and media stories are seen to promote and influence teen violence through the way they portray it.
Primary sources:
Kidulthood, and its sequel Adulthood: Both of these films show the graphic nature of teen gun and knife violence and make no attempts to cover up the background surrounding this issue.
Secondary sources:
Online news articles: Two youths, aged 14 and 17, were found guilty of murder and three others, aged 17, 14 and 15, were found guilty of manslaughter at the Old Bailey.
None of the defendants or young witnesses can be named because of their ages.
A 16-year-old convicted of murdering a man in London on Christmas Eve 2008 has been jailed for life at the Old Bailey.
Nathan Harris, from west London, set off a "lethal train of events" that led to Craig Brown, 20, being shot dead outside his girlfriend's home.
Mr Brown, who had been out with his son and his girlfriend, Denica Date, was shot five times in Shepherd's Bush as he unloaded Christmas shopping.
Police have named a man shot dead in a street in west London as he returned from a Christmas shopping trip.
Craig Brown, 20, was found by police and London Ambulance Service in Loftus Road, Shepherd's Bush, after being shot at 1650 GMT on Christmas Eve.
The Teenage murder rate on the rise again
By Chris Greenwood, Press Association
Friday, 23 April 2010
death of a 17-year-old boy in Greenwich brings the toll of teenagers murdered in London this year to nine.
Murder squad detectives are probing what caused his fatal injuries at a house in Greenwich after a neighbour reported hearing a shot in the early hours.
All of the above sources may be seen to be set out in order to warn us of the increase of teenage violence on the streets, but could it be suggested that they are actually promoting it to teens too?
Tuesday, 22 June 2010
My Smart Targets 22nd June 2010
Monday, 21 June 2010
Elephant - Representation Of Teens [Homework Due 22nd June 2010]
Social Context.
This text was produced in America in 2003, shortly after the Columbine high school shooting. This is reflected as the text is within an actual high school with typical teenagers going about their daily lives, in and out of school. We are presented with a undramatised setting of an american highschool. Most things are as we see in england.
Historical Context.
This was produced 4 Years after the Columbine high school massacre(1999) in which 12 students and 1 teacher was murdered. The actual film begins a few days before the shooting is carried out.
Economic Context.
There is no obvious economical differences between the characters. It seems that all are middle classed teenagers. This is typical of the setting in which this text was produced, as most teens of the same economical stature would have gone to the same high school. The actual film appears to be a low budget film too, as no major special effects were needed and only basic camera angles are used. This reflects the economic status of the film director Gus Van Sant, a small time American film director, elephant of which was 2nd in his 'Death Trilogy' of films
Political Context.